Apr 12, 2023


Radon, Get Gone!

In high concentrations, radon gas inside your home is dangerous. But it doesn't have to be scary. Learn to protect your home & family from radon with these tips from Rümi!

Radon gas is serious. If you’ve heard of it lately, you know it sounds threatening. But it doesn’t have to be scary if you know how to manage it.

You can protect your family and home from of the negative side effects of radon. It starts with regular testing and mitigation. Here’s what you need to know about radon and how to keep safe from its dangerous effects.  

What is radon?  

Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, odourless gas that is released from the earth into the air. It’s formed from the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. The suggested level of radon in Canada is 200 becquerels per cubic meter (200 Bq/m3).

Changes in the weather affect the amount of radon gas released released from the earth. Wind and pressure concentrations also vary with the seasons. The highest levels often occur in the winter months.  

Radon is radioactive. But in the open air or in low concentrations, it's harmless. Phew!  

Want to learn more about radon? We put this video together just for you!

When is radon dangerous?  

Here’s the bad news: The effects of radon can be severe. Radon that builds up in confined spaces over time and in high amounts can be deadly.  

Did you know that exposure to radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in Canada? This gas is linked to 10,000 - 40,000 cases of lung cancer every 10 years. It's second only to smoking!  

  • Health Canada estimates 16% of lung cancers are from radon exposure. This leads to more than 3,000 lung cancer deaths in Canada each year.  
  • You’re at an even higher risk if you also smoke.  
  • Radon is especially hard on kids. In fact, radon exposure is 10 times more dangerous for children due to their developing organs and faster respiration rates.  

This is really scary stuff. Especially since radon can be tough to monitor – you can’t see it, hear it, taste it, or smell it.  

Detecting, measuring and controlling radon calls for specialized equipment. Remember that levels can vary a lot from one location to another, even within the same area or neighbourhood.  

The good news is – Radon can be detected and dealt with.  

What you need to know about protecting your home from radon gas

Let’s put your mind at ease: Radon buildup is entirely preventable. If it becomes a problem in your home, it can be corrected!  

Health Canada estimates that about 10% of home radon levels are above advisable guidelines. The current Canadian guideline for radon is 200 becquerels per cubic meter (200 Bq/m3).  

How much radon a home has, and how long it takes to build up, depends on the area. Homes in different regions of Alberta will have different levels of radon. Rümi experts, and Health Canada, recommend all homes be tested for radon every couple of years. If necessary, a mitigation system should be installed.    

What do radon professionals look for in your home?

1. Where radon enters and where it likes to stick around

Radon can enter your home through:  

  • Cracks and gaps in your foundation  
  • Spaces around pipes  
  • Water taps and shower heads  
  • The soil beneath your home (think lower floors and basements)  

When it finds its way into your home through these pesky pathways, it can become trapped and reach dangerous concentrations.  

Believe it or not, radon buildup is especially common in newer homes. Sealed tight against Alberta winters, they often don't give radon the room it needs to escape.  

If your home has a foundation, do a radon checkup every couple of years

2. How much radon build-up has occurred

Almost all homes have some radon, but it's the level of concentration that matters most. Even neighbouring houses can have very different levels of radon.  

To find out the radon levels in your home, all it takes is a visit from the friendly pros at Rümi!  

Air quality testing lets you know if your radon levels are safe. We conduct radon testing, or you can test your home yourself by buying a radon tester. If your radon levels are higher than Health Canada guidelines, we'll make a plan to fix the issue.

3. Possible solutions for high concentrations of radon

So your radon levels are high, what’s next?  

The good news is that you can reduce radon levels in your home.

You can:

  • Seal cracks and openings in your foundation
  • Improve ventilation
  • Install a radon mitigation system (we can help with that!)  

What is radon mitigation?

Radon mitigation is the process of reducing the concentration of radon gas in your living space. It can also involve removing radon from water supply.  

How it works:

  • A radon mitigation system commonly includes a depressurization system. Upgrades to the home's ventilation and sealing problem areas also help mitigation radon buildup.
  • Ventilation system upgrades might include a vent pipe extending from your basement to the roof. Paired with a fan, these will draw the toxic radon gas from the soil and expel it. Out in the open air, radon gas is no longer harmful.  
  • Gives real-time access to your home’s radon gas concentration, humidity, and temperature. Radon reporting and notifications go directly to your smartphone when your levels are too high, giving you 24/7 peace of mind. Consider investing in this if your radon levels are high or if your home is prone to fast buildup.

Ready to be free of radon?  

You can test for radon gas yourself using our at-home radon testers. If mitigation or further services from our team of professionals are needed, give us a call!  

Rümi experts are certified and ready to assess your home. If necessary, we'll install mitigation systems to keep your family protected from radon gas. Breathe easy with renewed peace of mind — all backed by a money-back guarantee!