Apr 26, 2022

Outdoor Living

Spring Back Your Lawn

Warmer weather means it's time to give your lawn some love! Learn how Rümi can help.

We’re powering through April and we’ve already seen 20° weather! Sure, we’ve seen some more snow too, but that’s Alberta for you. Let’s not dwell on the negative, shall we?

As the grass gets greener, and the warm weather visits more often, it’s clear that our lawns could use some lovin’… and here’s the good news. The work doesn’t have to be done by you! Your helpful neighbour Rümi is here to take your yard from ‘Ew’ to ‘Ah’ in a snap.  

Rümi's yard experts are here to help, whether you decide to invite us over for yard clean up or not. We consulted the pros and have their top 5 yard tips for the do-it-yourselfers this spring.  

1. Clear that clutter

Raking isn’t just for fall, you know. Starting the season off with a clean slate and a good rake is a great way to rid your lawn of last year’s mud, twigs, debris and winter mold.  

While ladybugs, bees and other insects have used the debris for shelter over the winter, they should be up and at-em by now. This is the time to rid your lawn of that nasty snow mold from the final melt. This mold can be a real problem for your lawn’s health if it isn’t removed.

2. Give your grass a new do

How’s your lawn mower looking? It’s best to check your mower blades and ensure they‘re still up to snuff for the seasons ahead. Sharp blades help prevent any pulling and make the difference between an effective cut and an ineffective one, and we bet you don’t have time to be doing the same jobs twice! Remember not to cut your grass too short as that leads to a burnt and damaged yard. No bueno.  

Aim for 2–3 inches in length. Don’t worry about measuring each single blade! Simply adjust the height by raising or lowering the wheels with the little lever next to each one.  

Pro tip: Vary your mowing pattern to keep the grass even, and never mow your lawn when the grass is wet!  

3. Wish your weeds farewell

There’s nothing quite like a weed-free lawn! Before you go off spraying every square inch of your property line, here’s a few things our experts want you to know!

You likely want to tackle weeds with full and mighty force, but the pros don’t want you to over-spray weed control products.  

It’s important not to spray your flower beds, and to be extra careful in the areas where your kids, grandkids or pets play. Be sure to have your favourite humans and furry friends avoid any recently sprayed areas for at least 24 hours, just to be safe. Depending on the product you use, they may have their own recommendations, but when it comes to these toxic chemicals, the longer you wait the better. Pesticides can be inhaled and absorbed through the skin — and even absorbed through your eyes. Ack! Wear proper equipment such as gloves and some kind of eye protection as well.  

4. Restore your soil

After a long winter’s nap, your soil could use a little nutrients injection. Fertilizing your grass and garden beds will replenish the soil in preparation of a healthy and luscious year ahead! Fertilizing doesn’t have to be super complicated, but there are three simple things to look for in the one you choose. Nitrogen for leaf growth, Phosphate for root health, and Potassium for cell strength and disease resistance. The numbers will always be in that specific order, so it’s easy to know which fertilizers are highest or lowest in each.  

Consider having the middle number the highest in the spring to stimulate root growth, the first number the highest midsummer for a boost in leaf development, which technically this is the blade of grass that you see. And finally, have a high last number in the fall when your grass and plants can benefit from higher levels of resistance to the colder weather.  

5. Let it grow

Snow will melt, and trees will grow! Help your trees, shrubs and other leafy things along by pruning and trimming off dead branches. Take a little stroll around your property to inspect your leafy friends for dead, diseased, infested or overgrown parts. Be sure to remove or prune anything that looks unsafe, like overgrown branches that could end up coming down unplanned.  

If there is slight damage to anything from the snow, you can also tie a support post to anything you feel is savable! By being proactive, your trees will have a healthy start to the spring and have better access to the sunlight and nutrients needed to thrive!  

Bonus tip: Your yard looks even better through clean windows! After all your hard work, you deserve a top-notch view of your lawn. Rümi offers window cleaning services that will have you thinking you can touch the grass from the living room. So sit back, enjoy the view, and bring in Rümi to take on your spring window cleaning!