
September 24, 2020

Destress at Home

Your home should be your happy place. Learn how to bring calm and balance to your space with these easy tips!

How you can create calm & bring balance to your home

We all want to walk into our homes and feel like we’ve escaped the daily grind. Too often, though, we step through the front door and feel a fresh wave of stress when we see a pile of dishes in the sink or various toys, clothes and random magazines and papers strewn around. Our homes should be a place where can finally unwind and really enjoy the end of a busy day. Here, Rümi has provided some tips for making your home feel more balanced so you can walk right in and leave the outside world, well, outside.

Green is good

One of our favourite ways to pump the homestead with positive energy is to decorate with plants (the live ones, not the plastic ones). Studies have proven that having a few plants in your living space is a great way to lower stress levels and increase creativity. Added bonus: the fresh oxygen and natural moisture plants release throughout the day will aid in your air quality and help you and your family breathe deeply and easily!

Cut out the clutter

A messy home that’s covered in random objects will totally mess up your mood and increase your anxiety the second you walk into the living room. Try to schedule in a quick, 20- to 30-minute cleaning session before the day is done. It doesn’t have to be a deep clean—just pick up the toys, clean the dishes from dinner and maybe straighten up the cluttered shelf. You’ll get a boost from accomplishing a small task and relax more easily into your evening. Products that do double-duty, like mixing/storage nesting bowls, help keep drawers, and your mind, clear of clutter.

Let there be light

Poor lighting is a common culprit when it comes to feeling out of sorts in our own homes. Try to invite as much natural light in as you can by opening the curtains and blinds each morning. Light opens up a space and allows your body to absorb some much-needed Vitamin D—one of our body’s key ingredients for feeling calm and happy.

When nighttime rolls around, we recommend avoiding harsh ceiling lights—while overhead light can be quite practical for tasks like cooking or cleaning, we usually want a more serene or relaxing vibe when the day’s work is done. Some simple floor and table lamps are a key ingredient for creating a calming, low light that’s peaceful and pleasant. And don’t forget to use energy-saving bulbs and switches where possible, because we suspect a lower energy bill will also contribute to the tranquil new you.

The colour of calm

When it comes to painting the walls of your home, try to trend toward cooler, unintrusive colours like blues, greens, violets and pinks. These hues are proven to sooth your mind and fill your home with balanced energy. Bonus points for using colours with grey undertones - these are often the ones with the greatest positive impact on our stress levels. 

Decorating to destress

If your home’s walls aren’t inspiring you to live your best life, try decorating them with pictures of loved ones or photos from memorable trips and life events. Just the simple act of seeing familiar faces and treasured memories will remind you to be present and to not let the small things in life get the best of you.

Unplug and power down

We often tell ourselves that staring at our phones and scrolling our social media feeds is a way to relax, but doing this all day, and especially in the evening, is a guaranteed ticket to feelings of angst and even depression. We suggest that, instead of communing with your phone, tablet or flat screen tv, try some totally unplugged activities instead like meditating, taking a bath or reading a book.

Why not keep the electronics out of the bedroom entirely? Invest in an old-fashioned alarm clock so you don’t have to use your smartphone for that purpose and keep your distance from technology just before bed. Not only is the blue light that many electronics emit a stimulant, checking emails and social feeds just before shuteye can disrupt your routine. And while you’re at it, consider investing in some quality bed sheets, a calming table lamp for your nightstand, and always have a book you’re excited to read next to you. 

Spring cleaning isn't just for spring

Scheduling a day or two every three to four months for some serious decluttering will work wonders when it comes to creating and cultivating a balanced feeling and more free space in your home. Rearrange the furniture, clean your stove, pack up forgotten outfits for donation and recycle old magazines. Being surrounded by so many unused items is always a little unnerving, and an honest purge every now and then will make you feel lighter and freer every time you enter the rooms you live your life in. If you really want to get serious, schedule a junk removal service to hall away the big stuff for good. Say hello to your more relaxing home when you wave that clutter goodbye.

Capture the calm

Hopefully these seven tips have inspired you and you’re already on your way to a more harmonious home. Experiment, find what works, and when you’re done, don’t forget take a moment to breathe and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Ahhhh.

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